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Star Sequence-of-Operation (SQOP) software evaluates, verifies, and confirms the operation and selectivity of the protective devices for various fault types at any location on one-line diagram, via normalized Time Current Characteristic Curve (TCC) views.
Sequence-of-Operation provides a system-wide solution for an accurate and realistic operating time and state of protective devices, such as relay, fuse, circuit breaker, trip devices, contactor, etc.
The operation time is calculated for each protective device based on its settings, time current characteristic, and interlocks for a specified fault location and type.
The Sequence-of-Operation of protective devices are automatically calculated and listed in an Event Viewer, which is dynamically linked with the one-line diagram. This one-step concept utilizes an intelligent one-line diagram and performs a complete set of actions to determine the operation of all protective devices.
Sequence of event viewer provides two modes of operations. Autorun mode is for studying all events and Slider mode for studying individual events.
Autorun Mode
Slider Mode
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Oil and gas exploration leads companies to some of the most remote, inhospitable locations on Earth in search of energy
ETAP offers advanced power analysis, simulation, and operation solution for the smart Data Centers
Top manufacturers around the world depend on ETAP to meet the industry's rigorous requirements
ETAP brings significant energy savings to the industry by diverting non-essential loads during hours of high energy costs
From basic standby systems to 24/7 mission-critical generation, some of the world's most advanced power generation plants count on ETAP
According to the Top 40 Electrical Design Firms published in EC&M Magazine, 100% of the Top 10 Electrical Design Firms rely on ETAP
ETAP has established itself as the de facto standard for nuclear generation plants
ETAP has been deployed at government institutions and armed forces facilities, worldwide
ETAP enables designers and engineers to conceptualize the collector systems, determine wind penetration and perform grid interconnection studies
Colleges and universities use ETAP to teach students in electrical engineering to design, model, and analyze electrical power systems
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PETRONAS RAPID project is the largest oil & gas refinery and petrochemical plant in Malaysia which is powered by a 1200MW utilities plant and connected to a 275kV Grid supply. The integrated ETAP model for the RAPID complex reached up to 5000 buses that consist of various distribution voltages from 400V up to 275kV. Protection Coordination evaluation study for the RAPID complex was performed using “PD Sequence-of-Operation” to identify abnormal relay behavior, which may not be observed in the conventional TCC curve. When simulating earth fault at 275kV system, there is sympathetic relay operation at all 275kV healthy feeders due to circulating earth fault current. The circulating earth fault current is more than 1pu, which will potentially cause a broader outage to the RAPID complex. Further analysis has been performed by the author and academician experts to ascertain the root cause of the circulating earth fault current. This presentation will discuss the root cause of sympathetic relay operation during 275kV earth fault simulations and the recommended solutions to mitigate the sympathetic operation. This will help engineering design firms and plant operators clearly understand the protection relay behavior during faults by utilizing ETAP special features.
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