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Recognizing an opportunity to improve quality and manufacturing efficiency, Schneider Electric Power System North America sought an integrated approach to electrical design and wiring processes. They found the solution in ETAP SEE Electrical and began their transformation journey. In this demonstration, you’ll learn how Schneider Electric evaluated new methods against existing workflows. As a result, SEE Electrical Expert and SEE 3D Panel+ are now being implemented in manufacturing facilities to deliver more robust engineering designs, while SEE One Panel has been adopted to automate manufacturing with wiring machines.
Microgrid Analysis & Design is an essential step for Microgrid Implementation. Upfront design and analysis of the target microgrid system, whether for brownfield or green-field Microgrid implementation, can help drive both technical and financial benefits, including determining optimized generation assets required to meet the microgrid objectives as well as a projection of return on investments. Analysis & design from safety, reliability, and financial perspective are critical for successful microgrid implementation to minimize the impact and rework during the installation phase. This presentation will provide recommendations on best practices for Microgrid Analysis & Design.