Transmission Load Flow Software

Transmission Load Flow

Transmission Load Flow Analysis

ETAP Transmission Load Flow Software performs power flow analysis and voltage drop calculations with accurate and reliable results. Built-in features like automatic equipment evaluation, alerts and warnings summary, load flow result analyzer, and intelligent graphics make it the most efficient electrical power flow analysis tool available today.

With the ability to solve over 100,000’s buses and no limit to the number of sources, loads, branches, etc., ETAP transmission load flow software is the only tool you will need to solve AC and DC power flows.

ETAP transmission load flow calculates bus voltages, branch power factors, currents, and power flows throughout the electrical system. ETAP allows for swing, voltage regulated and unregulated power sources, and renewable energy resources (wind turbines, PV generators) with unlimited power grids and generator connections.

Transmission load flow calculation software is capable of performing analysis on both radial and loop systems. ETAP allows you to select from several different load flow calculation methods in order to achieve the most efficient and accurate results.

Transmission Load Flow Software Key Features

  • Automatic equipment evaluation, violation color coding & reporting
  • Summarize and export results from multiple scenarios
  • Analyze bus-breaker models in addition to bus-branch models
  • Unlimited scenarios, topologies, data revisions, etc. in a single integrated database
Transmission Load Flow Analysis Software Report

Transmission Load Flow Software Capabilities

  • Power flow simulation with multiple loading & generation conditions
  • Automatically adjust transformer tap & LTC / voltage regulator settings
  • User-controlled load flow calculation convergence parameters
  • Compare & analyze multiple reports using load flow result analyzer
  • Include effect of phase-shifting transformers
  • View power flow results graphically
  • Evaluate critical & marginal limit violations
  • Simultaneously solve three-phase & single-phase system load flow
  • Isolated single-phase source modeling
Transmission Load Flow Analyzer



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