Electric Shock Protection Software

Electric Shock Protection

Electric Shock Protection Analysis

Integrated Short Circuit & Electric Shock Protection Calculations


ETAP Electric Shock Protection calculation software helps determine the cable current carrying capacity, size, and protection against electric shock based on the following standards and publications:

ETAP Electric Shock Protection software equipped with a comprehensive set of features and robust calculation helps to efficiently determine the cable current carrying capacity, size, and protection against electric shock in electrical installations to ensure the protection of persons and livestock according to the listed standards.


Electric Shock Protection Software Key Features

  • Modeling and analysis of TN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S, TT & IT Earthing Types
  • Fully integrated with load flow, short circuit, and protective device coordination modules
  • Comprehensive electric shock requirement assessment
  • Support of loop impedance and current calculation
  • Calculation considers resistance to ground / earth
  • Touch voltage calculation and evaluation
  • Ground Fault Current Interrupter (GFCI) or Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) or Residual Current Detector (RCD) protection
  • Reports in Crystal Reports and MS Excel

Electric Shock Protection Software Benefits

  • Quickly and accurately size Neutral and Protective conductors per compliance with listed standards.
  • Review input data, calculation results, and alerts for multiple cables in a consolidated fashion through the Cable Manager. 
  • Fully integrated with Load Flow, Short Circuit, and Protective Device Coordination modules.
  • Generate Cable Sizing reports simultaneously for multiple cables with a click of a button.
  • The Electric Shock Protection report formats are in accordance with BS 7671, Appendix 6, Model Forms and are customizable using Microsoft Word: Electrical Installation Certificate, Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate and Period Inspection Report for an Electrical Installation.

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IEC 60364

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BS 7671

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