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As the global power sector shifts toward sustainable energy, grid interconnection studies become crucial. Grid Interconnection requirements ensure facilities like power plants, solar farms, and wind farms operate safely and efficiently while integrating with the public electric network. ETAP Grid Code provides a wide spectrum of studies covering all operational aspects, including normal operation, faults, dynamics, harmonics, and transient responses. This comprehensive solution ensures full compliance with grid interconnection requirements.
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ETAP seamlessly integrates powerful modeling capabilities with advanced solution algorithms, streamlining the complex studies required for grid interconnection and impact analysis of wind parks, PV generation, and other renewable energy power plants.
ETAP Grid Code offers dedicated Grid Code modules that automatically evaluate the compliance at Point of Measurement.
Various international Grid Code rulebooks are available through Rulebook. While ETAP is continuously adding new rulebook data to cover more regions, users can also add their own rulebook.
Comprehensive reports ready to be submitted to system operator.
ETAP offers a wide varieties of modules to be used for Design, Analysis, Protection, Optimization, Operation & Maintenance of Renewable Energy Systems.
ETAP offers a power plant controller and its digital twin that makes it very reliable and easy for engineers to evaluate power plant dynamic performance
ETAP Grid Code provides a wide range of studies required for grid interconnection and grid impact analysis of wind parks, PV generation, and other renewable energy power plants.
Grid Code interconnection codes encompass a broad range of performance criteria, including voltage and frequency ride-through, active and reactive power control, and dynamic support under abnormal conditions. The requirements are applied at both Point of Measurement, and common coupling of Individual Inverter Based Resources. Ensuring compliance with these diverse requirements is time-consuming and requires specialized skills.
ETAP GridCode utilizes a progressive electrical digital twin with automated analysis, predictive calculations, network optimization, validation processes, and intelligent power plant control hardware to ensure local grid code compliance.
The webinar is an opportunity to discover how the features in this release of GridCode contribute to better and faster grid code compliance evaluation in an automated fashion, including real and reactive power capability, and harmonic distortion and resonance. By carefully evaluating the impact of new generation on the grid, you’ll learn how to define and produce compliance studies that help protect the system, enable renewable energy growth, and promote cost-effective grid development.
As the global power sector rapidly transitions toward sustainable energy, the importance of grid code interconnection studies becomes paramount. The manual analysis of grid codes can be time-consuming, involving intricate scenarios and strict compliance. ETAP Grid Code is a model-driven solution that includes software tools and control hardware to ensure local grid codes or standards compliance throughout the power system design and operations lifecycle. Additionally, ETAP’s unique Power Plant Controller (ePPC) along with its digital twin, ensures accurate evaluation and study of the system's actual performance to improve compliance and minimize risk.
The variable nature of renewable energy introduces power quality concerns, including frequency and voltage control, that may negatively impact the reliable performance of a power system. Grid codes, interconnection, or evacuation criteria must be followed during the proposed system design and continue to maintain compliance under grid-connected operation. ETAP Grid Code is a model-driven solution that includes software tools and control hardware to ensure local grid codes or standards compliance throughout the power system design and operations lifecycle.
Today’s power systems depend on renewable energy resources to meet their load demand and are typically interconnected through inverters. This webinar demonstrates how inverter-based resources are modeled for short circuit studies. It will also review various dynamic modeling approaches offered by ETAP and discuss merits and limitations of each approach.