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Python scripting is integrated into the ETAP power system analysis software to provide automation and extend reporting and plotting capabilities.
Efficiently perform batch analysis, automate running studies, retrieve project information, and create customized plots through Python’s built-in Integrated Development and Learning Environment (IDLE).
Nuclear plants in the United States are governed by federal regulations requiring that the electrical power system provide sufficient capacity and capability to the nuclear plant. As part of this analysis, traditional approaches to manually perform single motor start calculations can be tedious and time-consuming. Also, the manual evaluation of the data can easily introduce errors. This presentation takes a closer look at degraded voltage relays (DVRS) and an approach to simulation used by the TVA that is holistic, using ETAP to easily combine the study cases, the revisions, and the configurations into repeatable studies. The demonstration includes the use of an efficient solution using Python code with ETAP to run the studies and evaluate the resultant data.
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