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Automated Fault Analysis Software
ETAP AFAS revolutionizes electrical fault analysis with its powerful, model-driven approach, leveraging ETAP's Digital Twin technology. Designed for real-time and post-event analysis.
AFAS optimizes operational efficiency by offering:
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In Industrial applications, time is money. Quickly identifying faults and restoring assets is crucial to minimize downtime and costs. The ETAP AFAS (Advanced Fault Analysis Software) leverages disturbance records and telemetry data to locate faults and provide steps to restore assets while the fault is being addressed, increasing the chances of a quick resolution. Furthermore, ETAP AFAS seamlessly integrates several other ETAP software applications such as with the centralized relay management software (eProtect), eSCADA, and Intelligent Load Shedding (iLS) to provide a fully integrated solution for managing your industrial system. With this complete solution, engineers and operators can manage faults efficiently, minimize downtime, and maximize operational efficiency.
ETAP Automated Fault Analysis System (AFAS) solution provides Real-Time and advanced analytics of electrical faults for your complex networks. Using the ETAP digital twin combined with disturbance records, engineers and operators have a clear forensic picture of any electrical fault in the network. Using proven ETAP analysis solvers, AFAS identifies faults, including fault type, start time, protection trip time, fault magnitudes, and fault distance/impedances. A novel signal injection features allow users to playback recorded data into the protection model to compare "as designed" vs. "as found" relay response. This comparison using ETAP electrical digital twin is used to validate system response per the configured protection scheme, and the sequence of operation was followed within expected time durations.
The fault response characteristics of synchronous generators are inherently governed by their physical attributes and construction. In contrast, the fault response traits of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) are intricately tied to manufacturer-specific control schemes and settings. This intricacy adds complexity to accurately representing IBR behavior during fault conditions, particularly given the rapid advancements in inverter technology and the diverse control strategies employed by manufacturers.
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