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Simulation de Puissance des Trains ETAP - Le logiciel eTraX ™ inclut les outils logiciels les plus précis, conviviaux et flexibles pour l'analyse, la gestion et la simulation des systèmes électriques basse et moyenne tension des trains.
Visualisez & analysez les systèmes à énergie de traction en utilisant les vues schématiques & géospatiales synchronisées
Composants intégrés et bibliothèques d'ingénierie utilisés pour modéliser des dispositifs électriques spécifiques à la traction
Simulez & analysez le fonctionnement de réseaux d'alimentation électriques combinés CC et CA
Connectez le modèle de conception électrique aux analyses en temps réel
Le logiciel de Simulation de Puissance des Trains eTraX est utilisé par les propriétaires de chemins de fer, les opérateurs et les ingénieurs-conseils comme un logiciel intégré de simulation ferroviaire pour concevoir et gérer les systèmes des trains. En utilisant des informations avancées sur les ressources géospatiales, eTraX permet la modélisation, la simulation, la prévision et l'optimisation des infrastructures ferroviaires.
In this webinar, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of ETAP eTraX, a powerful solution designed for the design, analysis, optimization and operation of both AC and DC rail traction systems.
Today’s Transportation businesses call for sustainable mobility. The goal is to deliver an end-to-end digital solution throughout the asset lifecycle to optimize critical mobility infrastructure management for the optimal customer experience in rail, airports, roads, and ports.
This webinar introduces ETAP eTraX, integrated solution for design, planning and operation of Rail Traction Systems. eTraX is utilized by railway owners, operators and engineering consultants to analyze, evaluate and monitor innovations and technologies utilized to increase energy efficiency, optimize substation capacity and improve train performance.
Introduction to ETAP eTraX™ for analysis and operation of Rail Traction Systems. Using advanced geospatial asset information, eTraX™ allows for the modeling, simulation, prediction and optimization of rail infrastructure.
This case study for Mumbai Metro Rail covers Operator Training Simulator (OTS), where the customer is specifically looking for a simulation environment to test their operations in a real-time environment for the following reasons: avoid errors, enhance communication & management of new crews, train inexperienced operators, certification and competency for operators, situational awareness & workload management. ETAP OTS helped Schneider Electric, India, to give the right solution for Metro Mumbai. ETAP OTS utilizes a model-driven power network that enables the customer to approve switching procedures, perform predictive simulations to verify correct switching actions with software-in-the-loop, replicate real-world situations with unlimited scenarios for knowledge transfer via a trainer-to-trainees learning environment.
HyperloopTT focuses on systems that moves people and goods safely, efficiently and sustainably; bringing airplane speeds to the ground by using passive levitation and electric linear propulsion in a low-pressure tube. This presentation discusses the complex power system challenges and collaboration with ETAP for conceptual design and detailed engineering of the 1st commercial prototype. The companies will then thereafter collaborate with ETAP and migrate the digital twin into operations to validate and improve the prototype design and extend to upcoming long-distance commercial & freight systems.
ETAP Train Power Simulation - eTraX™ software includes validated, user-friendly and flexible software tools for designing, analyzing and managing AC and DC railway infrastructure