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This module is an essential Add-on for ETAP to easily perform renewable power plant reactive power capability studies, utilizing grid code and equipment rulebooks, that will generate comprehensive reporting and visualizations from just one study calculation.
Grid Code Load Flow is used to determine a renewable power plant's reactive power capability at the Point of Measurement (POM) under normal operating conditions. In just one Grid Code Load Flow calculation, hundreds of Load Flow scenarios are run at different voltage setpoints by incrementally adjusting the MW and MVAR output from each renewable source, a process also known as 'sweeping.' All results are then compiled to obtain the total output at the POM. Upon completion, Grid Code Load Flow generates a comprehensive report including compliance details, alerts, and all of the power plant assets input data. The report includes a visualization of the power plant P-Q and V-PF capability against grid interconnection requirements as an intuitive representation of any discrepancies and validate compliance.
Dedicated Module: Integrated with ETAP Digital Twin modeling with unique capabilities for renewable power plant reactive power capability studies.
Equipment Rulebook: Select from the ETAP Capability and Control rulebook, or directly enter assets’ reactive power capability curve.
Grid Code Rulebook: Select a rulebook to validate if the power plant capability meets code requirements for your region. ETAP is continuously adding new rulebook data to cover more regions. Alternatively, custom rulebooks can be added following this format:
Adaptive Capability Sweeping: Grid Code Load Flow performs hundreds of load flow studies in batches, also known as 'Sweeping'. Based on power plant settings and user defined sweeping data, Grid Code Load Flow runs P-Q sweeping and V-PF sweeping in batches. This adaptive sweeping approach reduces simulation time while maintaining accuracy.
Comprehensive Reporting: The study result provides a detailed and visual report in excel format using the project data, study settings, device and grid capability rules used in the Grid Code Load Flow study.
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It is crucial to define the reactive power limits to evaluate the voltage support available under normal, abnormal and emergency operations with the unit's safe functioning. Published generator thermal capabilities curves, produced by the manufacturer, define the limits for safe operation based on the generator design's thermal limitations. Practically, the available reactive capability differs from the published equipment curves due to plant specific design and operating constraints. This presentation discusses a theoretical approach utilizing a simplified electrical distribution system and an ETAP model to identify and validate the plant-specific unit capability.
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