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This webinar covers machine fundamentals such as Conversion of Energy, Steady-State Operation, Motor / Generator, Ratings & Motor Equations, Efficiency & Power Factor vs. Loading, Motor Feeder Cable and Load Flow Solutions.
This webinar discusses the induction motor dynamic behavior for acceleration, deceleration and steady-state speed control conditions. It highlights how each of the key fundamental motor dynamic characteristics applies to different applications such as motor starting, fast-bus transfer, and motor parameter estimation and tuning.
This webinar presents the criterion and industry guidelines for protection of motors in medium and low voltage systems, typical induction motor protection schemes and suggested settings for protective devices. The application of Automated Protection & Coordination evaluation tool for design, verification, and correction of settings are also demonstrated.
Watch this webinar on project merge and learn how to use project merge to improve productively and accelerate project schedules.
The User-Defined Dynamic Models (UDM) program allows for a more robust “element-level” and “plant-level” control system simulation. ETAP UDM performance is optimized for simulation of energy storage devices, wind turbine controls, PV system inverters, and generic machine models.
In the absence of a "definitive" DC arc flash model, ETAP includes three calculation models - the "Maximum Power" method that is used in NFPA 70E, a model based on the Stokes/Oppenlander estimate of arc voltage and resistance, and a model based on Paukert's complication of research into arcing faults.
This presentation will highlight how Star Auto-Evaluation software can improve your system design, safety, reliability and operation. Validate protective device settings for equipment protection, identify mis-coordination and fix zone selectivity issues, apply industry rules for system protection & coordination and significantly increase efficiency, accuracy, and design consistency.
This webinar will present the new Short Circuit Analyzer. This time-saving feature compares and filters various short circuit reports in a single display.
Learn about the features and benefits of using Sequence-of-Operation (SQOP) to achieve an accurate and realistic Protective Device (PD) operating time under bolted and arcing fault conditions.
ETAP provides a comprehensive, integrated design and analysis solution for electric power systems. This webinar will highlight several study cases to demonstrate the software’s capabilities in LV system modeling for cable capacity, sizing and protection against electric shock, as well as reporting and project deliverables.