134 Item(s) found

Convert from SKM and EasyPower to ETAP

Convert from SKM and EasyPower to ETAP

ETAP’s data conversion utility provides automatic imports of power system projects created in SKM PTW, EasyPower and PSS/E.  This built-in tool makes it easy to convert the one-line diagrams, electrical data, and protective device settings and TCC curves into ETAP. 

ETAP 12.5 New Features & Capabilities

ETAP 12.5 New Features & Capabilities

Using ETAP Real-Time 12.5

ETAP 12 New Features & Capabilities

ETAP 12 New Features & Capabilities

New Features & Capabilities

ETAP Auto-Build – Rule-Based Creation of One-Line Diagram

ETAP Auto-Build – Rule-Based Creation of One-Line Diagram

Auto-Build is a new powerful feature that provides rule-based automated designs of single-line diagrams (SLD) that enable engineers to significantly reduce the amount of hours spent on creating a network diagram.