682 Item(s) found

Power Management - ETAP Real-Time™

Power Management - ETAP Real-Time™

An introduction to ETAP Real-Time™ model-driven power management solution for continuous monitoring, predictive simulation, optimization, and automation of electrical systems.

Intelligent Load Shedding ETAP ILS™

Intelligent Load Shedding ETAP ILS™

An introduction to ETAP ILS™ - Intelligent Load Shedding system.  Utilizing a model-driven foundation with embedded predictive analytics, and optimization algorithms, ETAP's adaptive Intelligent Load Shedding solution makes Faster than Real-Time decisions.

Star™ Auto-Evaluation: Automated Protection & Coordination Design

Star™ Auto-Evaluation: Automated Protection & Coordination Design

This presentation will highlight how Star Auto-Evaluation software can improve your system design, safety, reliability and operation. Validate protective device settings for equipment protection, identify mis-coordination and fix zone selectivity issues, apply industry rules for system protection & coordination and significantly increase efficiency, accuracy, and design consistency.