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This brochure provides information on the ETAP 14 series upgrade release to ETAP 14, important enhancements based on the industry’s latest demands such as multi-language output reports and arc flash labels. FIX ITTT
Transient Stability module enables engineers to accurately model system disturbances and events while performing studies such as load shedding, fast bus transfer, critical clearing time, and generator start-up.
Auto-Build is a new powerful feature that provides rule-based automated designs of single-line diagrams (SLD) that enable engineers to significantly reduce the amount of hours spent on creating a network diagram.
ETAP Arc Flash Analysis allows you to identify and analyze high risk arc flash areas in your electrical system, and it also allows simulation of several different methods used by engineers to mitigate high incident energy.
The Motor Acceleration module enables engineers to thoroughly evaluate the impact of load changes to electric power systems.
With ETAP’s advanced Load Flow module, you can create and validate your system model with ease and obtain accurate and reliable results.